Thursday, October 16, 2008

Welcome Junior Birdman

Well, he came. It was awesome. It has been awesome. It is awesome. Five weeks later, I am totally in love with the little guy.

I don't know how anyone gets anything done. I just want to stare at him and cuddle him EVERY SINGLE MINUTE....

We affectionately refer to him as Junior Birdman. I don't really know why, exactly, but that is what I will refer to him on this website, as to protect his anonymity. You know, from stalkers and the like.

Here are some pictures:

Right after they yanked him from my belly...

A few hours old, after his first bath....

At home, a few days old...

One week old...

Two Weeks Old...

Now he is chubbier...more on that tomorrow.


C & M said...

I have been waiting so long for these sweet pictures. Liz, I know you had your stomach ripped open and everything but the public needs to see this beautiful boy! Seriously, he is adorable and has such a sweet head of hair! I think he is a looker like his mom. (:

RCH said...

Oh! He's so beautiful! ::melt::

I got him some stuff off your registry, but I'm lazy and haven't made it to the post office yet -- and now I'm worried it won't fit! Is he like my babies, who stay in 3-6mo clothes until they're a year old, or is he normal? LOL. Let me know and I'll send you a gift card if the baby clothes won't work, and then you can get whatever you need for now or later.

Uno Kidney said...

he is....10 pounds now??? I have no idea. He is still in some 0-3, but quickly moving to 3-6....
He is DARLING.. Seriously. Sorry, but I took up all the cuteness available when I had this kid.

K2 said...

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!

Bailey Family said...

Please kiss his chubby arm for me.
Thanks, aunt Margaret

Beckle the Freckle said...

Oh, he is pretty much the cutest thing ever. I love his tons of hair! Aren't babies amazing?

I'm so glad you finally blogged! I was starting to get worried. I understand how hard it is to get any computer time though. :)

folsom3rdRS said...

I am glad to see some more pict of him. What a cutie!!! I love the hair. Congratulations.

thepainterfamily said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE! no really...CUTE! I love his little studly expressions! hahha! congrats...and don't one gets ANYTHING done! 3 years later my bathrooms STILL aren't clean! haha!

Brian Muir said...

He is way cute. You guys are great babymakers. Way to go! Kate is already saving up so she can get a really nice goat for her dowry. Does Jr. have a specific color or breed of goat that he prefers?

Uno Kidney said...

Goat made of Gold will be fine.