For my Prenatal Water Aerobics class, I have been wearing the ghetto-est get-up available. Partly because I am cheap. And partly because I haven't had the heart to buy a new swimsuit until I got a bit bigger....and knew it would fit the whole time.
The Old Outfit: A shiny black, hideous WalMart special that was like 12 bucks and is now stretched to the max, paired with a lovely pair of Carolina Blue Boy Boardshorts from Old Navy that I have had for probably 10 years now....I think I took them to Mexico in 1998....
I took a picture the other day
Lately, because the belly have gotten big, pulling up the swim suit has involved a lot of deep squats and odd contortions in the changing room. The Shorts now cannot be enclosed with the velcro enclosure, and I have to roll down the top of the shorts a few times, secure with some crazy boy scout knot on the ties, and hop in the pool really quick to avoid being seen by anyone I work with (did I mention these classes take place at my place of work??? How insane am I, really?)

The New Swimsuit: I got bottoms from one store (a skirt with bottoms attached) and a top from another, and when I mentioned that to my lovely husband, he said :I don't understand, you had to buy two parts at two different stores???. I know....
So I took this picture of me in my new swim suit:

Hooray for modern photo taking!
I don't really know why I am smiling. I guess just smiling through the pain.....Today will be the first time I wear it in the pool. I hope it stays on and doesn't fly off my body, but with my luck, you never know.....
Lovely pics. I especially love your purple hair. You crack me up with your preg updates. I LOVE YOU and can't wait to see you in a month! AHHH!
Lookin' good!
Glad to hear that you updated your swimsuit. It is hard enough for a girl to get in a swimsuit...let alone be embarrassed about the swim outfit they are wearing. You must feel confident...especially if you are pregnant! Love you!
You look really good with purple hair. Not everyone can carry off that look. :o)
you crack me up! love the pics! glad you found a swimsuit (or two) you like! That is a feat in and of itself..but a maternity suit....that is even harder! yeah!
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