Friday, January 04, 2008

Holy Tumbleweed Batman!

Today there is a crazy wind storm here in the Happy Land of Boise.

My new office is kind of in the middle of a field. Well, there is a great big field in front on it, and I kind of feel like i am in the country here.
Today, I went out to grab a bite, and this is what the parking lot looked like:

There were Tumbleweeds EVERYWHERE.......EVERYWHERE.....Blowing all over the parking lot and streets. It was crazy....


Bailey Family said...

Crazy! Tumbleweeds in Boise in January. Isn't that a little odd??? I guess you never know what a new day will bring. Gotta love it!

melissa said...

That is so frackin' crazy! I'm so excited that you're blogging!

K2 said...

That's cool.

RCH said...

Reminds me of West Texas and my home on the range. :-(